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Check out the newsletter for SMUN 2023 made by our lovely International Press Corps who were documenting and taking note of each instance in every committee.

A trip down memory lane, with our kind regards.


Suncity MUN 2023

Welcome delegates! 

Introducing Suncity Model United Nations 2023! 

Letter from the Secretary General 

He will conquer who has learnt the artifice of deviation. Such is the art of manoeuvring.”
- S
un Tzu - Chinese General and Strategist

Dear Delegates,

It is a great honour and privilege to serve as your Secretary General for the 8th Annual Session of the Intra Suncity Model United Nations. We at SMUN have always given importance to Debate, Diplomacy, and Dialogue and by God's grace, take great pride in the increased participation in our small yet impactful student-led conference.

The United Nations since its inception has tried to prevent and protect the succeeding generations from the wrath of war, which twice in the past has brought immense sorrow and inconsolable pain to mankind. But the world has changed since the beginning of the United Nations. We are way past the times where possession of Nuclear Arms and colossal armies proved a country's or a bloc’s dominance in the world. We have witnessed constant developments. Developments in science & technology, developments in trade, developments in society, developments in those sectors that determine a country's real power and global standing today. Yet, the War still continues. Conflict is inevitable and continues to inflame the intensity of countless battles across the globe. The battles of today are not just fought on ground by army men but the forefronts have moved and become virtual, undefined and ever shifting. This war of hegemony, caused by technology, economic disparity, evolved ordnance and weapons, exploitation of the limited natural resources continuously pose a challenge to the Status Quo of the world order.

Living in the era characterised by growing modernization, it is essential to acknowledge that every global citizen has an exceptional chance to move towards building a framework in which the might of inventive intellect may merge along with the force of character. Therefore, a structure can be constructed around the notion that only knowledge may overcome indifference, wisdom can reduce ego, and the spirit of "WE THE PEOPLE" can eliminate all three. In the light of the above and the current world scenario, The 8th Annual Intra Suncity Model United Nations feels it is imperative to deliberate upon a theme relating to conflict resolution and liberty and deem it fit to establish “Manoeuvre, Manumission and Mediation”. Our vast and captivating committee's based on this theme presided over by our talented and
passionate executive board and secretariat promise to reward imagination, innovation, and dedication to the best of our abilities.


Finally a little about myself, I am in the eleventh grade studying Accountancy, Business Studies, Mathematics, Economics, and English. I intend to pursue a career in Finance. I have been an avid enthusiast of International Relations and Politics. Besides being a passionate debater I like to spend my free time binge-watching, swimming and watching cricket and F1. If you wish to discuss any of this, or even something else entirely, I invite you to approach me during the conference.

So, I, Hriday Kabir, Secretary General of SMUN 2023 invite you to be a part of the best conference you would have ever attended, at home. See you soon Suncitizens!

Until then,
Hriday Kabir

Secretary General
Suncity Model United Nations 2023

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Letter from the Deputy Secretary General

“We cannot despair of humanity, since we ourselves are human beings.” – Albert Einstein

Dear Delegates,

It is indeed an honor and privilege to welcome you all to the 8th session of the Intra Suncity Model United Nations. As we host this edition of the conference for you, it would be the right time for us to reevaluate why we even do this every year. Why do hundreds of students come together every Winter to participate in discussions on pressing international crises with their own schoolmates? Why do we, the Secretariat, spend countless hours setting the foundation for this ‘home’, just to make it a memorable experience for all of you? After all, how will 75 students solve an issue that not even thousands of scholarly experts, well-informed diplomats, policy researchers, people’s governments, and multilateral institutions couldn’t solve?

Of course, we are well aware of the importance of these institutions, though, as we witnessed the G20 Summit taking place right ahead of us a few weeks ago. A brilliant opportunity for India to take a position right at the forefront of the diverse global forum. As an enthusiast of Politics and Current Affairs, watching the coverage of the Summit kicked something inside of me. The spectacular visuals of the venue, welcoming gestures towards the numerous Heads of States, conduct of the entire discussion and the passing of the ‘New Delhi Declaration’ was just as surreal as it was amusing. An accurate representation of the spirit of international relations - Governments that come together to represent millions of people and find a common ground that meets all of theirs’ and the world’s needs and requirements.

When key institutions like the Security Council fail to do their job amidst an undying war, just because an ex-KGB agent with a bald head had a power trip, it makes us wonder how functional these institutions remain anymore. The 5 permanent members of the Security Council were once treated as the pillars of global stability, yet today they are the ones who hold their fragile egos looming over the rest of the struggling ‘developing’ world, as they themselves are bound by the shackles of conflict.

In times like these when well-established institutions, too, are failing, why do we come together to recreate a competitive simulation of the same? Because all that is left of humanity today is hope, empathy, and forgiveness. A depiction of all the things that diplomacy is about - hope in the idea of peaceful resolutions, empathy towards those suppressed by hegemonic regimes, and forgiveness for those who wronged in the past. As we sit in a room discussing these issues, we learn to hope for a common consensus, we learn to empathize towards dissimilar ideologies and we learn to forgive the mistakes of plagued individuals. I don’t ask you to be blindly optimistic, I ask you to be radically hopeful for a better tomorrow. After all, it is us who define what tomorrow will be.

With that, I, Aarya Saraf, Deputy Secretary General of SMUN 2023, invite you all to take part in the 8th Intra Suncity Model United Nations, a conference for you, at home, by family. Whether you’ve done 20 MUNs or none, I promise a fresh and rewarding experience at SMUN for each one of you. This is my 5th and penultimate SMUN, and I look forward to this conference just as much as I hope you all do too. We promise a comforting and welcoming atmosphere, along with the guidance of our extremely passionate Executive Board and Secretariat, who are always at your service. Yes, MUNs might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but giving it a try won’t hurt. Give it a chance, maybe a few more, and if it still doesn’t work for you, let it be. Just don’t let your fear cloud your own capabilities and drive you away from a better version of yourself.

Join us back home and you won’t regret it, I promise.

Until October,

Aarya Saraf,
Deputy Secretary General,

Suncity Model United Nations 2023.

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