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United Nations General Assembly Special Political and Decolonization Committee


Agenda: Resolution of the South China Sea Dispute with special emphasis on International Trade

Letter from the Executive Board


Greetings delegates! 

This year, the largest committee at SMUN shall be the UNGA SPECPOL (United Nations General Assembly Special Political and Decolonization Committee). Being the fourth committee of the UNGA, the SPECPOL is tasked with the eminent task of a comprehensive review of the questions of peacekeeping operations as well as a review of special political missions. The mandate of the UNGA is wide ranging and involves a high degree of representation from all member states of the United Nations.The agenda of the committee is ‘Resolution of the South China Sea Dispute with special emphasis on International Trade’. During the course of the committee, we wish to address the ‘Nine Dash Line’ and the territorial conflicts between nations such as China, Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia. Success in a large committee like General Assemblies depends on a delegate's ability to differentiate him/herself from the crowd and that is one of the most important skills in a delegate's diplomatic arsenal.

Whether you are a first timer or a veteran at MUN’s, this committee's versatility provides opportunities for everyone to learn and grow. The UNGA SPECPOL lies at the heart of the United Nations and I hope delegates will put in the efforts to do full justice to this prestigious committee. 


Until October, 

Hriday Kabir
Navya Mehrotra
Siddharth Bhatnagar

Executive Board - UNGA SPECPOL

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